Hi I am Saran. From my age of ten I have always wanted to review tech  and talk about them to people who are really interested in it just like me. I really don’t have any  idea how this blog stuff work. But with some help from google I am managing it ! So I am a cool person who loves technology and get inspired from them like many out there. Crazy to see technology's progress and development. Just thought of sharing my views through my own blog and that idea gave rise to BZBytez. BZBytez is  the right place to get tech updates. You can also find Reviews of gadgets ,apps, software and a few tips and tricks regarding certain topics.Check out my articles. Hope it will be interesting and you will like it.Happy Reading ;)

NOTE: Like I have mentioned above I am not a professional blogger, So if you find some sort of flaws in my blog's articles please let me know. Remember we all are in the process of learning :)

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